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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2021-7-23 12:23:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 天地玄黄 于 2021-7-23 12:23 编辑




使用道具 举报








Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-23 12:23:06 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报









Rank: 6Rank: 6

发表于 2021-7-23 12:23:06 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 un9 于 2021-7-30 10:36 编辑
天地玄黄 发表于 2021-7-23 12:31
Be warned that this story contains both male and female fart fetishism and scat fetishism. If that's ...

请注意,这个故事包含男性和女性放屁内容以及排泄内容。                                                                                                                                 “里斯,我不会这么做的,”纳迪尔翻开书中的一页说"来吧,这是个好主意!想想看,这在战斗中会有多么强大!”“这听起来太棒了,太天才了。”里斯双手交叉放在胸前,用鼻子呼气"你只是不想承认我有一个好主意。”“好吧,至少你承认这是你这几年来的第一个好主意。”纳迪尔在她的手指回到书页之前,用失明的目光扫了一眼书的顶部"你真的认为如果我们吵架,我会有时间生火,把你扛到我肩上,然后把它举到你身后,这样你就可以用你的屁做一个喷火器了吗?"“是的!”里斯停了下来。他的眼睛低头看了看营火,嘴巴也动了一下。”好吧,如果我们感到惊讶也许不会,但如果我们先跳到他们身上……”“你会跳到他们身上吗?”纳迪尔皱了皱眉头,"你打算怎么办,留着假胡子,用低沉的声音说话作为伪装?“不,别傻了,纳迪尔。”半恶魔翻了翻眼睛"你要留假胡子。这样他们就看不出你是女孩了。“啊,是的,除了我没有脸上的头发之外,没有别的东西能证明我是个女人。”“…你就不能,吸进去吗?”“吸进去什么?”“你知道…”“…莉斯,你认为女人可以像吸啤酒肚一样吸自己的乳房吗?”“她们不能?”“天哪,纳迪尔叹了一口气,她靠在一根倒下的木头上,从水壶里呷了一口水,气喘吁吁地把一丛草踢进火里,看着它像一群昆虫一样在余烬中翻腾,然后飘向黑夜。他和纳迪尔已经在城市之间的荒野中闲逛了几天,虽然他们的补给维持得很好,但他们的神经却没有。没有女人聊天,也没有酒馆闹鬼,里斯变得焦躁不安,纳迪尔开始厌倦听里斯在她身上练习他的搭讪台词。如果他们不能很快到达一个镇上,他们会散的。他只是不明白为什么她这么讨厌他的想法。真是太棒了。纳迪尔会把他举到她的肩上,摇动他的双腿,就像她拿着一支上了膛的枪一样。考虑到里思的胆量,她也可以这样做。然后,她只需要在他的长牙旁边举起手电筒、灯笼或蜡烛,让他撕开一根,他们就会用刺眼的火焰把敌人烧得生不如死。现在他只是要求试一试,而她却表现得好像这是她听过的最愚蠢的想法!她只是不能理解首先想到的事实。一定是这样。他恶意地斜视了她一眼,但她假装没有注意到,因为她一直埋头看书。当纳迪尔折断膝盖上的几根棍子并把它们扔进火焰中时,火发出噼啪声和嘶嘶声。她在灰烬上戳了戳,试图激起更多的热量,但这是徒劳的,火几乎没有穿透空气,纳迪尔担心风吹过时把火吹得太大。然而,当纳迪尔在读书时,有什么东西分散了她的注意力。她闻到一股又臭又热的气味,鼻子皱了起来。它散发着臭鸡蛋和埋在地下的香料的气味,当气味占据了她的感官时,她的鼻子开始刺痛。当她的肺拒绝了这可怕的空气时,她咳嗽着把书在脸前,试图把它吹走。”啊!“真的吗,瑞斯?”纳迪尔掐着鼻子哽咽起来你能不能坚持住?“坚持住?”里斯笑着说纳迪尔,我们在远离其他人的荒野里。“为什么要拿着它?”“因为它很臭,里斯!”精灵吐了一口唾沫。”我不想整晚都闻你的屁。”“嘘,我每天都忍受你屁的味道。至少你能忍受我的。”“我不会在你身边放屁!我会走进树林,私下里把它放了!”“像个淑女?”瑞思笑着拍了拍他的膝盖纳迪尔,“我能听到你放的每个屁。“纳迪尔僵住了,就像被一股冰冷的空气击中一样。”什么?不,你在撒谎。”“几天前你溜了出去,放了一个声音很大的东西,我想我们一定是快到海边了,因为没有理由在树林里放雾号,”里斯得意地笑着说。"你只是在瞎编!”纳迪尔怒气冲冲,紧握着书本。”你只是想让我慌乱,所以--“噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗!当纳迪尔向地里放了一个深沉的雷鸣般的屁时,松叶和其他一些森林碎屑被吹了起来,她的脸颊因尴尬而涨得通红。噪音在树林中回荡,就像大炮的爆炸声,纳迪尔突然希望自己在一百万英里之外。当腐烂的绿色的臭味像一团烟雾一样飘过营地时,这股气味在发出声音几秒钟后就袭来了。”天哪,你还说我的屁不好!”他一边说,一边挥舞着一只手从鼻子旁边走过。”作为一个淑女发生了什么,纳迪尔?”“哦,闭嘴!”纳迪尔鼓起双颊,头埋在膝盖之间,脸几乎和里斯一样红。”“我告诉过你,你放屁的声音太大了,”她沾沾自喜地笑着,双臂交叉放在胸前也许我们不应该用我的屁股当喷火器,而应该用你的屁股当炸药。”“请不要再说了。”她一边呜咽着一边把帽子拉到头上遮住脸"还有什么好谈的?你想谈谈我的屁吗?“"我根本不想谈屁!”“真丢脸,因为你显然有很多话要说。”她微微靠在座位上,他的手飘到了他的腹部,因为它冒着气泡,沸腾着听起来我的屁股也一样!”噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗一系列的屁从里思的屁股上爆炸出来,用尾巴轻轻一甩,把硫磺和硫磺的臭味散布在营地里。纳迪尔听到了这个消息,她的尴尬被自我保护所取代,因为她意识到恶臭正在向她袭来。她用一只手捂住鼻子,急匆匆地走了,试图避开飘到她身上的气味。这足以让她没有完全被臭味淹没,但也不足以避免让她咳嗽。”好了,感觉好多了。”里斯叹了口气,拍了拍肚子感觉好像已经卸下了一个重担。”“里思!住手!”纳迪尔把衣服拉到鼻子上,以防空气中弥漫的气味。”你把营地弄得臭烘烘的!”“是你开始的,”里思一边回答,一边来回甩着尾巴"我没有!”纳迪尔在尘土中踩了一只脚。”你是用你那只沉默的狗来开始的!”“你不能证明这一点。”“现在你只是变得迟钝了!”“我不能迟钝,因为我甚至不知道那是什么意思。”里斯骄傲地笑了纳迪尔慌慌张张地推了他一把,然后转身不理他“这太卑鄙了。”他皱着眉头,说:"哦,时间不早了。我要去睡一觉。”里斯从座位上站起来,静静地打了个哈欠。走了一天的路,他累了,准备好好休息一下。他喝了一小口水,然后回到帐篷,拉开了盖子的拉链。他点上灯笼,扑通一声倒在帐篷角落的帆布床上。他脱下长袍,穿着拳击服躺在那里,在安顿下来过夜的时候,他拉了一条毯子盖在身上。只过了一会儿,他的眼皮就垂下来闭上了。过了一会儿,他幸福地睡着了。与此同时,纳迪尔仍坐在火炉旁,试图避免吸入里斯的残余屁。她试图继续读书,但火快熄灭了,她继续读书的意愿也在减弱。她累了,浓烟和炉火的温暖使她昏昏欲睡。当烟雾缭绕着她时,她打了个哈欠,伸了个懒腰,几乎准备好一接到通知就晕过去。她的四肢疼痛,头在抽搐。她只想躺在一堆舒适的毯子里昏倒在摇篮里。问题在于,里斯是对的。她的肚子咕噜咕噜地咕噜着,身子向后靠着,肚子里的气体翻腾着,呼喊着释放。尽管她可以试着控制住它,但她知道如果她放松得太多,它会在睡梦中消失。通常在这样的夜晚,她会溜进树林,把它放在离营地很远的地方,尽管Rith明确表示,尽管距离很远,他还是能听到。然而,今晚,她对自己的汽油感到恼火和慌乱,而且不能偷偷溜走。一个不同的想法正在她的脑后酝酿,她开始想出一个可怕的阴谋,让里斯尝一尝他自己的药。。。纳迪尔蹑手蹑脚地穿过营地,扑灭了大火,陷入了一片漆黑。当然,她也不需要看。她穿过阴影,向帐篷的门滑去,慢慢地打开门帘,把头往里看。即使没有眼睛,她也能隐约感觉到室内的布局。灯笼嘶嘶作响,悬挂在帐篷顶上,在内部投射出暗橙色的光。瑞思已经在床上熟睡了,头埋在枕头里打鼾。他的嘴半张着,可能又要流口水了。纳迪尔站在外面,微微地笑了笑,转过身来,把屁股插在帐篷的襟翼之间。她把它们紧紧地缠绕在自己身上,形成一个密封圈,用后端将里思锁在帐篷里。她咬着嘴唇推搡着,低声窃笑。噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗纳迪尔让屁股唱着它的歌,一个低沉而隆隆的屁从她的屁股里发出嗡嗡声。放屁的声音像布罩里的喇叭一样响,仿佛是一声军事警钟。里思几秒钟后就醒了,他裹着毯子四处乱跑,脚踢着他的小床,试图在吵闹声中醒来。然而,这只是他斗争的第一部分,因为他几乎没能坐起来,就被腐臭气味袭击了。他的鼻子里充满了难闻的气味,当他吸入一股恶臭气体时,眼睛湿润了。”纳迪尔?!”里思一边咳嗽一边站起来。”纳迪尔,发生了什么事?“哦,没什么。”她唱了起来,微笑着对自己说,她感觉自己的屁渐渐变成了一种微妙的隆隆声只是一点回报。“你在做什么——”噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗里思试图回应时,三个屁打断了他的话,他的嘴和鼻子都充满了纳迪尔屁的香气。当他们陷入一种柔和的嘶嘶声中时,他们有一种特定的力量,正是这些力量用他们的可怕刺痛了里思的肺。当他感觉到帐篷里的空气变得又热又浓,到处都是纳迪尔的屁时,他咳嗽并塞住了嘴。他好像在大海中打滚,然而大海是一团恶臭难闻的气体。他颤抖着向出口走了几步,但已经太晚了。当纳迪尔腐烂的臭鼬毒气扑鼻而来时,他的眼睛里充满了泪水,鼻子在流淌。他绝望地喘息着,向帐篷的盖子伸出手来,但是挣扎是没有用的。纳迪尔还没起床就赢了。”呼。。。纳迪尔皱起了鼻子,一缕飘散的毒气从帐篷里漏了出来,挠着她的鼻子。毫无疑问,这是可怕的。她无法想象这对里斯来说有多糟糕,她被困在帐篷里,帐篷被她的煤气变成了荷兰烤箱。”不过你能处理好,对吧,里思?”里思只是做了回应。他扑通一声倒在地上,喋喋不休,试图对纳迪尔做出一个有凝聚力的回答。他只能想出一堆零散的窒息物。”是的,听起来你处理得很好。“噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗噗纳迪尔叹了口气,她释放了她在肠子里酝酿的最后一轮毒气,用一个声音略带潮湿的屁炸了里思,屁使帐篷的织物以纯粹的力量微妙地膨胀起来。里思被轻轻地击退了,因为她让它撕开了他。因为他眼睛里的水很干净,他尖叫着。他几乎睁不开眼睛,因为放屁在他周围的空气中肆虐。这就像被困在一场放屁飓风的中心,随后的每一次臭味都在恶臭的旋风中围绕着他滚来滚去。被纳迪尔,彻底地,彻底地,彻底地打了。在外面新鲜的空气中,纳迪尔终于松了一口气,最后的汽油发出了一声安静的吱吱声。她合上身后的盖子,让里斯在烟雾弥漫的荷兰烤箱里炖东西。她今晚会睡在外面,尽管外面有点冷。毕竟,帐篷是空的——当纳迪尔听到森林里某个地方狼凄惨的嚎叫时,她的思绪被打断了。听到这些,她急忙跑进帐篷,躲在毯子下面,浑身散发着恶臭。当她闻到自己所做的事情的味道时,她几乎为里斯感到难过。那里太糟糕了。纳迪尔躺在床上时,她不得不用鼻子吸着自己身上的臭气。也许这不是她最好的举动。。。


使用道具 举报








Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-23 12:23:07 | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 天地玄黄 于 2021-7-23 12:28 编辑

原文有点长,发一下链接https://www.deviantart.com/good3 ... not-ended-886510873

使用道具 举报








Rank: 8Rank: 8

 楼主| 发表于 2021-7-23 12:31:02 | 显示全部楼层
Be warned that this story contains both male and female fart fetishism and scat fetishism. If that's not your thing, you may want to look elsewhere.

“Rith, I’m not going to do it,” Nadil said as she turned the page in her book.

“Come on! This is a great idea! Just think of how powerful this would be in a fight!”

“It sounds clunky and impractical.”

“No, it sounds awesome and genius.” Rith exhaled through his nose as he crossed his arms over his chest. “You just don’t want to admit that I had a good idea for once.”

“Well, at least you admit that it’s the first good idea you’ve had in years.” Nadil shot a sightless glance over the top of her book before her fingers drifted back to the page. “Do you really think if we were in a fight that I’d have time to start a fire, lift you over my shoulder, and hold it up behind you so you can make a flamethrower with your farts?”

“Yes!” Rith paused as reality suddenly set in. His eyes glanced down at the campfire and his mouth shifted. “Okay, maybe not if we were surprised, but if we got the jump on them first...”

“You’re gonna get the jump on them?” Nadil quirked an eyebrow. “What are you gonna do, wear a fake mustache and talk in a deep voice as a disguise?”

“No, don’t be silly, Nadil.” The half-demon rolled his eyes. “You’re going to wear the fake mustache. That way they can’t tell you’re a girl.”

“Ah yes, nothing else would give me away as being a woman aside from my lack of facial hair.”

“...Couldn’t you just like, suck it in?”

“Suck what in?”

“You know...”

“...Rith, do you think women can just suck in their breasts like it’s a beer belly?”

“They can’t?”

“Gods, you’re actually hopeless.” Nadil breathed a sigh as she reclined against a fallen log and took a sip from her canteen. “It’s like you’ve never interacted with a woman before.”

Rith huffed and kicked a clump of grass into the fire, watching it writhe in the embers like a horde of insects before floating off into the night. He and Nadil had been traipsing through the wilderness between cities for a few days now, and while their supplies were holding out nicely, their nerves weren’t. Rith was getting antsy with no ladies to chat up and no taverns to haunt, and Nadil was starting to tire of listening to Rith practice his pick-up lines on her. If they didn’t get to a town soon, they were going to rip each other apart. Rith was just confused as to why she hated his idea so much.

It was brilliant really. Nadil would hoist him up over her shoulder and cradle his legs like she was holding a loaded firearm, which given Rith’s guts, she might as well have been. Then she just needed to hold up a torch or lantern or candle beside his tush while he let one rip, and they would scorch their enemies raw with blinding gout of flame. Now he was just asking to give it a try, and she was acting like it was the dumbest idea she’d ever heard! She just couldn’t appreciate the fact that Rith had come up with it first. That had to be it. He shot her a spiteful sidelong glance, but she pretended not to notice as she kept her nose buried in her book.

The fire popped and hissed as Nadil broke a few sticks over her knees and tossed them into the flames. She prodded at the embers a bit, trying to stir up a bit more warmth, but it was a fruitless endeavor. The fire barely cut through the nip in the air, and Nadil worried about kicking the fire up too high with the wind whipping by.

As Nadil was reading, however, something distracted her. Her nose crinkled up as it caught a whiff of something foul and warm. It reeked of rotten eggs and buried spices, making her nose sting up as the smell took hold of her senses. She coughed and sputtered as her lungs rejected the horrid air, and she fanned her book in front of her face to try and waft it away.

“Ugh! Really, Rith?” Nadil choked out as she pinched her nose shut. “Couldn’t you hold it in?”

“Hold it in?” Rith chuckled. “Nadil, we’re out in the wilderness miles away from anyone else. Why bother holding it?”

“Because it stinks, Rith!” The elf spat back. “And I don’t wanna have to smell your ass all night.”

“Psssh, I put up with the smell of your ass every day. The least you could do is put up with mine.”

“I don’t fart like that around you! I go off into the woods to release it in private, like a lady!”

“Like a lady?” Rith laughed and slapped his knee. “Nadil, I can hear every single fart you rip out there.”

Nadil froze like she’d been hit with a blast of frigid air. “What? No, you’re lying.”

“A few days ago you slipped off and let one out that was so loud I thought we must be getting close to the sea, cause there was no reason for a foghorn to be out in the woods,” Rith smirked smugly.

“You’re just making things up!” Nadil huffed, her grip on her book tightening. “You’re just trying to get me flustered so-”


Loose leaves and other bits of forest detritus were kicked up as Nadil unleashed a deep and thunderous fart into the earth, and her cheeks flushed a bright red with embarrassment. The noise echoed through the woods like the explosive burst of a cannon, and Nadil suddenly wished she was a million miles away. The smell struck only a few seconds after the sound, as the putrid odor of spoiled greens and skunky alcohol wafted through the campsite like a cloud of smog.

“Jeez, and you say my farts are bad!” Rith said as he wafted a hand past his nose. “What happened to being a lady, Nadil?”

“Oh shut up!” Nadil puffed her cheeks and sank down with her head between her knees, her face nearly as red as Rith’s was.

“I told you that your farts were loud as hell,” Rith smirked smugly as he folded his arms over his chest. “Maybe instead of using my ass as a flamethrower, we should be using yours as an explosive.

“Please stop talking about it.” She whined as she pulled her hood up over her head to hide her features.

“What else is there to talk about? You wanna talk about my farts then?”

“I don’t wanna talk about farts at all!”

“Shame, cause you’ve clearly got a lot to say about it.” Rith leaned slightly in his seat, his hand drifting to his midsection as it bubbled and boiled. “Sounds like my ass does too!”


A series of farts exploded from Rith’s ass, sending ripples through his loose robes as he let it loose. They came fast, slightly damp, and bubbly sounding as they burst through his clothes. He hardly needed to push as it burbled out of him, spreading the awful stench of sulfur and brimstone through the camp with a flick of his tail. Nadil heard it come, and her embarrassment was replaced with self-preservation as she realized the stench was rolling her way. She clamped a hand over her nose and scurried off, trying to avoid the odor that flowed over to her. It was enough that she wasn’t completely overwhelmed by the stink, but it wasn’t enough to avoid sending her into a coughing fit.

“There we go, that feels much better.” Rith sighed and patted his belly. “Feels like a load had been lifted already.”

“Rith! Knock it off!” Nadil pulled her clothes up over her nose to shield her from the odor that roiled through the air. “You’re stinking up the camp!”

“You started it,” Rith replied as his tail flicked back and forth.

“I did not!” Nadil stamped a foot in the dust. “You kicked this off with that silent one of yours!”

“You can’t prove that.”

“Now you’re just being obtuse!”

“I can’t be obtuse cause I don’t even know what that means.” Rith smiled proudly.

“You’re the worst.” Nadil gave him a flustered shove before turning her back on him.

“Now that’s just mean.” He frowned and clicked his tongue. “Well, it’s getting late. I’m gonna get some sleep.”

Rith rose from his seat and stretched out with a quiet yawn. He was tired after a day of walking and was ready to get some real rest. He took a sip of water before he returned back to the tent and unzipped the flap. He lit up a lantern and flopped down on his cot in the corner of the tent. He kicked off his robes and lay there in his boxers, pulling a blanket up and over himself as he settled down for the night. It took only a few moments before his eyelids were drooping shut. It took a few moments before he slipped blissfully into a peaceful sleep.

Meanwhile, Nadil was still sitting beside the fire, trying to avoid breathing in the lingering remnants of Rith’s farts. She had tried to continue reading, but the fire was dying and so was her will to continue. She was tired, and the smoke and warmth of the fire were making her sleepy. As the smoke wisped around her, she yawned and stretched, almost ready to pass out at a moment’s notice. Her limbs ached, and her head was throbbing. All she wanted to do was pass out on her cot in a heap of cozy blankets. The problem was the fact that Rith was somewhat right. Her stomach gurgled and groaned as she leaned back, gas churning about in her belly and crying out for a release. Even though she could try to hold it back, she knew it would come out in her sleep if she relaxed too much. Normally on a night like this, she would slip off into the woods and release it far away from the camp, even though Rith made it clear that he could hear it despite the distance. Tonight, however, she was annoyed and flustered over her gas, and sneaking off wasn’t an option. A different idea was brewing in the back of her head, and she was starting to come up with an awful plot to give Rith a taste of his own medicine...

Creeping through the campsite, Nadil extinguished the fire and thrust herself into complete and total darkness. Not that she needed it to see by of course. She slid through the shadows towards the door of the tent, slowly opening the flap and peering her head inside. Even without eyes, she could vaguely sense the layout of the interior. The lantern was hissing, suspended from the peak of the tent and casting a dull orange light about the interior. Rith was already fast asleep on his cot, snoring with his head buried in his pillow. His mouth was half-open, and he was probably going to drool all over himself again. Nadil smirked ever so slightly as she stood just outside, turning around and inserting her rump between the flaps of the tent. She pulled them both tightly around herself to form a seal, locking Rith inside the tent with her rear end. She snickered under her breath as she bit her lip and pushed.


A deep and rumbling fart warbled out of Nadil’s ass as she let her butt sing its song. The fart resounded like a trumpet in the cloth enclosure, as though it were a military wake-up call. Rith was awake in seconds, scrambling about in his blankets and kicking at his cot as he tried to wake himself up at the noise. That was only the first part of his struggle, however, as he had barely managed to sit up before he was assaulted with a rotten aroma of spoiled salad and beer gone bad. His nose was filled with awful aromas, and his eyes watered as he breathed in a lungful of fetid fumes.

“Nadil?!” Rith coughed and sputtered as he rolled to his feet. “Nadil, what’s going on?”

“Oh, nothing.” She sang back, smiling to herself as she felt her fart trail off into a subtle rumbling. “Just a little payback.”

“What are you do-”


Three farts interrupted Rith as he tried to respond, only for his mouth and nose to be filled with the rank aroma of Nadil’s farts. There was a certain potency to them when they dipped down into a soft hiss, and it was those that really singed Rith’s lungs with their awfulness. He coughed and gagged as he felt the air in the tent grow hot and thick with Nadil’s farts. It was like he was wallowing in the ocean, yet the ocean was a reeking, stinking blob of palpable gas. He retched and choked as he took a few shaky steps towards the exit, but it was already too late. His eyes were welling up with tears and his nose was running as the overwhelming odor of Nadil’s decaying, skunky gas. He reached out towards the tent flaps with a desperate gasp, but it was useless to fight. Nadil had won before he’d even gotten up out of bed.

“Whew... Pardon me.” Nadil wrinkled her nose as a stray tendril of her gas leaked from the tent and tickled her nose. It was awful, indisputably. She couldn’t imagine how bad it was for Rith, trapped inside the tent that had been turned into a dutch oven by her gas. “You can handle it though, right Rith?”

Rith only managed a few gags as a response. He flopped down on the ground and sputtered, trying to form a cohesive reply to Nadil. He couldn’t come up with anything other than a scattered array of chokes.

“Yeah, sounds like you’re handling it pretty well.”


Nadil sighed as she unleashed the final bout of gas that she had been brewing in her guts, blasting Rith with a slightly damp sounding ripper that echoed off of the nearby trees and caused the fabric of the tent to subtly inflate with the sheer force. Rith was blown back ever so slightly as she let it rip at him. His lungs screamed for clean air, and his eyes watered at the sheer stench. He was hardly able to keep his eyes open as the farts buffeted the air around him. It was like being trapped in the center of a hurricane of farts, with every subsequent salvo of stink rolling around him in a cyclone of fetid funk. His body, at last, gave out, completely beaten by Nadil.

Outside in the fresh air, Nadil sighed with relief as the last of her gas left her with a quiet squeak. She closed the flaps behind her to let Rith stew in the blistering dutch oven of smoggy stench. She’d sleep outside tonight, despite the fact that it was a little chilly out. After all, that tent was-

Nadil’s thoughts were interrupted as she heard the forlorn howl of a wolf somewhere out in the woods. After hearing that, she scurried into the tent, subjecting herself to her own stench as she hid beneath her blankets. As she caught a whiff of what she’d done, she felt almost bad for Rith. It was awful in there. Nadil had to hold her nose at her own reek as she settled into bed.

Maybe this hadn’t been the best move on her part...
原文链接:https://www.deviantart.com/casti ... r-an-Anon-886535748

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